Code Enforcement
The Code Enforcement Division was established to promote and enforce compliance with the City of Calverton Park relating to property maintenance standards and zoning enforcement. Code Enforcement maintains and enhances the quality of existing development within the city. This ensures that Calverton Park is a place all residents, and visitors can look to with pride.
Their role is to provide pro-active enforcement and investigate concerns regarding Calverton Park Municipal Codes which includes:
Property maintenance, which includes building and general maintenance of property.
Enforces illegal and nonconforming sign issues
Zoning issues
Conducts investigations and inspections of concerns and maintains case files of those concerns.
Conducts regular pro-active Code Enforcement patrols of the City.
Appears before the municipal judge or court on code enforcement cases.
Main Objectives
The Code Enforcement Division's main objectives are to:
Protect property owners’ investments.
Promote public health, safety and welfare.
Enhance the quality of life in the City’s neighborhoods.
Educate property owners.
City of Calverton Park City Codes
To Report a Code Violation
Contact the Code Enforcement Department
Contact Info
Sean Gibbons
Code Enforcement Officer
52 Young Dr. Calverton Park MO 63135
314-524-1212 Ext: 205
[email protected]

Code Enforcement